I've had a Blogger account for ages, so long, in fact, that I recall accidentally resting a beer on the Blogger computer's monitor when it was in an apartment in San Francisco.
Like many from my era, I bounced from service to service to service using Blogger, then MovableType, then Typepad, finally settling down with Wordpress. Blogger's had plenty of changes over time, and I like to pop in and see what's new. Yes, I'm one of those pesky people giving things a second chance as well as using things I dislike.
So, I've done some messing around and am seeing how it plugs into Google+. Feel free to do whatever, comment, +1, Like, or Tweet. Comments are off on the blogger post, which most likely isn't a bad thing since comments live in the Plus stream.
Don't cross the streams. Or do. I don't know, I just type things.
Update: Yes, I shared this yesterday, but I'm doing it again.